You are empowered, you have mana.
Mediate in a consensual, safe, confidential environment.
He tangata, he tangata, me to mana nga mea nui.

Our korero
Kia ora, kei te aha - greetings. My name is Meng Foon, and our whānau resides in Tairawhiti-Gisborne. Service is at the core of my being, starting from working in our vegetable shop at the age of 7. Over the years, I've had the privilege of engaging in various aspects of life in Aotearoa NZ, ranging from business, and volunteer work, to serving as a Mayor and the Race Relations Commissioner.
I have hope and this is why I do what I do.
The significance of Rawhiti resonates with me, symbolising the constant energy of a new day in the East.
With decades of extensive experience in mediation and facilitation across diverse sectors, I bring a cultural intelligence (IQ) that underpins a safe and confidential mediation process built on trust. I approach cultural needs with great respect, navigating various perspectives with sensitivity.
I am proficient in conducting mediations in te reo Māori, Chinese languages, and English, ensuring effective communication across linguistic and cultural boundaries.
I have expertise and experience in the following
Te Ao Maori, whanau, whenua
NGOs - Non-Government Organisations
Human Rights
Environmental Management, conservation and RMA
Project management
Ethnic communities.
Property, equities, investment, subdivision, substandard building work
Commercial business - retailing, export, hospitality, tourism, franchising
Local and central government

How Mediation works
Mediation - Takawaenga
Facilitation - business strategy planning, branding.
Maori worldview and beginners te reo - coaching from my lens
Coaching - personal or groups.
Governance & conflict of interest training.
Media training from experience
We use an empowering mediation process, where meetings are dedicated to resolving conflicts. This involves reflecting on the past, addressing the present, and collaboratively exploring pathways for the future. We are impartial and confidential
Note: Confidentiality will be maintained at all times. However, instances of coercion, fraud, and threats to personal safety will be reported to the appropriate authorities.
I have a pre-meeting with each of the parties.
Both parties sign a mediation agreement form with other conditions.
Parties decide on an agreed venue, date, time, in-person, virtual or hybrid.
Whakawhanaungatanga in a Maori, ethnic and Pacific setting.
An opportunity to tell your story, I will summarise, and we choose topics of interest for discussion - agenda setting.
I will facilitate confidential sessions with each party, providing a space for you to share any private matters you deem relevant. Request private sessions at any time when needed.
Parties will choose options to discuss in-depth, reality check and negotiate.
If positive, an agreement can be signed on the day or someone will draw up the agreement to be signed.
"Meng's in depth curiosity got the best result for me, he was kind, professional and showed rapport in our mediation, the best for me was that I got an agreed outcome".
Our Services
I'm an experienced Mediator
I possess formal training complemented by decades of practical experience in the fields of mediation and facilitation. Our commitment revolves around prioritising your needs, emphasising respect, trust, and understanding, and maintaining absolute confidentiality subject to the law. Recognising the intricacies and emotional nature of conflicts, I bring my experience to guide us through the mediation process, empowering you every step of the way towards a potential resolution.
While reaching an agreement may not always be guaranteed, I am here to guide you through the mediation process, offering guidance that fosters a deeper understanding of both yourself and the underlying issues at hand.
Having mediated numerous complex cases, I've earned respect for my impartiality. Leveraging my lived experience, I specialize in achieving optimal outcomes by delving into a thorough exploration of each party's wants and needs.
Additionally, as a practitioner in Te Ao Māori, which is steeped in whakapapa, mana, and kaupapa, my expertise has guided many through mediation with a foundation of trust, confidentiality, and respect. Whakamanahia to mana me to mauri tangata.
My mediation process operates within a human rights framework, incorporating a cultural dimension that emphasises participation and inclusion, equality, equity, and non-discrimination, as well as transparency and accountability.
"Ka mihi ki te rangatira a Meng, he tangata pai ia, kua whakarite ia i a matau kaupapa taimaha. Kua tutuki pai ma tatau".
What is mediation?
Mediation is an alternative dispute resolution option. Mediation involves a structured and interactive approach facilitated by an impartial third party. This neutral mediator assists disputing parties in resolving conflicts through specialised communication and negotiation techniques. People are heard in a confidential environment which empowers you to actively participate making mediation a "party-centered" process that prioritises the needs, rights, and interests of the parties involved. A mediator is not an advisor.
In conflict management or any kind of mediation exercise, there are principles of decision models: Capitulation, Compromise, Collaboration and Consensus.
Who else can be involved?
Lawyer/s, consultant/s, accountant/s, whanau/family/friends - each will need to identify their roles in the mediation
Parties will pay their cost for their professional services if needed.
Confidentiality Statement.
To ensure respectful and effective mediation, confidentiality is critical.
However, fraud, criminal activity, coercion, and threats to a person's safety will be reported to the respective authorities.
Regardless of whether an agreement is reached or not, it is advised that all notes taken by the mediator and the involved parties be destroyed. This practice ensures the confidentiality and privacy of the mediation process, maintaining the integrity of the information shared during the sessions.
Confidentiality agreements are signed and dated by all parties.
Is Settlement binding?
If agreement is reached on any or all matters, such agreement must be recorded in a Settlement Agreement signed by all Parties. Any Settlement Agreement will be legally binding on the Parties, and any Party may enforce the terms of the Settlement Agreement by issuing court proceedings. Should the parties wish the agreement to be confidential it must state this request in the agreement.
Mediation statistics between parties New Zealand.
"The average mediation lasts just over one day and can be set up in a matter of days. Around 75-80% of cases settle on the day of the mediation itself and another 10-15% settle shortly after. Mediation has an extremely high success rate with 86% of all cases being settled. It saves on court and legal costs. And time effective". ref google.

"Meng's relaxed and approachable style alleviated my nervousness, ensuring I felt comfortable expressing my thoughts. He guided our mediation with rapport, and empathy, fostering a supportive and understanding environment".
What is needed?
Face to Face mediation
Parties keen to mediate
An agreed safe venue
Room with air condition
Another room or two
Table, chairs, water.
Food, tea, coffee if longer than 2 hours.
Accessibility for special needs
cell phones silent.
no recording
Virtual mediation
Computer, tablet phone
Comfortable chair
Quiet room
Best for people and pets not to interfere.
Cell phones silent.
no recording
Contact Us
Whakapa mai, get in touch with us to discuss your mediation and facilitation requirements.
+64 274484084